January is the time where many of us take on new challenges, goals and motivate ourselves. It is always a fantastic opportunity to make sure we look after ourselves from diet and exercise to helping aid our wellbeing. Breathing and changing the patterns of this is said to help reduce stress and relieve anxiety or imporve enduarance physically.

The Healing Power of Breath, doctors Richard P. Brown and Patricia L. Gerbarg write about some techniques and methods that could if used help all of the above:

  1. Pursed-lip breathing method – This is the easiest one to start with. With relaxed shoulders, take a normal breath in for about two counts. Then pucker your lips and exhale for about four counts. Repeat this pattern a few times.
  2. 4-7-8 method – In this technique, you exhale through your mouth and then close it and inhale through your nose for four counts. You hold the breath in for seven counts and then release it for eight counts. Repeat at least three times.
  3. Belly-breathing method – Also known as ‘abdominal breathing.’ With your shoulders back, keep one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. As you breathe in deeply for about two seconds, your belly should stick out a bit. Feel the air expanding your stomach and then breathe out slowly through your lips.

All of the above helps to de-stress and breathe better for longer. Especially if you need supplemental oxygen every day and especially when you need to travel. Travel alone causes stress with co-ordinating the organisation and this is why you are not alone. Try some new exercises for your breathing and you may find you are not only heathier but happier too. If you need OxygenWorldwide’s services please do read our client testimonials as we care for all our customers around the world.