As the covid crisis in India hits there is a worrying lack of medical oxygen supplies for patients in desperate need. The coronavirus is spreading fast and for a densely populated country their medical facilities and completely under strain.
Cases had been falling and people were beginning to be out and about more including religious festivals and political rallies.
As quoted by the Guardian, ‘In the middle of March, the number of recorded cases started to grow faster than in any other country, this week passing 300,000 a day, along with more than 2,000 deaths, close to twice the daily deaths India experienced during the first peak of the virus between July and September 2020.’
A staggering statistic that the country will be fighting to keep under control. As many doctors, nurses and families take to social media to show how desperate they are in need of oxygen let’s hope that we can help supply India’s crisis and they manage to receive what they so desperately need to save lives.