You may not believe this but customers pay to breathe in 40% oxygen through a plastic hose that is placed into their nostrils at oxygen bars, which first appeared in the US in the late 1990s. You may also select from a variety of oxygen flavours, like peppermint, cranberry, or even scented candles. The length of the oxygen experience varies based on the customer’s budget and preferences, usually lasting between a few minutes and roughly twenty minutes.
What Are The Promises of Oxygen Bars?
Although the proprietors of oxygen bars take care not to make any medical claims, they advertise their services for leisure and rely on client endorsements. Benefits like less stress, relief from pollution, more energy and alertness, better hangover recovery and relief from headaches and sinus issues are among the many advantages that users frequently mention.
The Science of Oxygen Bars: Is It Real or Is It Hype?
Despite these assertions, there are no extensive, carefully conducted scientific studies that back up any advantages of oxygen inhalation for healthy people. According to the American Lung Association, breathing oxygen is unlikely to have any physiological advantages for healthy individuals. Conversely, there’s no proof that breathing in oxygen is hazardous either.
Oxygen Bars and Health Issues
Oxygen is usually given at home under a physician’s supervision to patients with illnesses that impair lung function. Medical experts advise against giving these individuals oxygen bars because each person has different oxygen needs that need to be checked and adjusted by a healthcare practitioner. Uncontrolled oxygen use may be harmful, possibly resulting in dangerous oxygen intake levels or interfering with continuing medical care.
Fears Relating to Flavoured Oxygen
The usage of flavoured oxygen is one of the main issues with oxygen bars. These flavours are produced by pushing the vaporised aroma through the hose after bubbling oxygen through bottles containing aromatic solutions. While some bars employ food-grade, oil-free particles to create the scent, others might use aroma oils. Lipoid pneumonia is a dangerous lung inflammation that can be brought on by breathing in greasy materials. The purity or sterility of the fragrances cannot be ensured, even with oil-free mediums, which presents a risk for bacteria, allergies, irritants, and other pathogens.
Furthermore, a lot of oxygen bars can be found in places where smoking is allowed, such as casinos and nightclubs. Because oxygen can fuel combustion and increase the risk of fires, this poses safety issues.
Regulation and Research Are Necessary
Before oxygen bars are considered safe for use by healthy individuals, more thorough testing, research, regulation and medical oversight are required. It is now deemed dangerous to change a patient’s course of treatment for medical disorders that call for oxygen therapy. Scientific research may someday corroborate testimonies, but for the time being, the claimed advantages of oxygen bars are mostly unsubstantiated and may even be psychological.
See MedicineNet and WebMD for additional details.