Lung diseases belong to the most common disorders worldwide, with many varieties, from temporary infections to chronic diseases like chronic asthma and the progressive COPD. Patients suffering from any of these, are often prescribed strong medicines that often have many side effects. Of course these medicines also have their benefits, but for many lung disorders there are also more natural alternatives, that can help keeping your lungs in the best possible condition and ease the breathing without the burden of side effects.
Eucalyptus against acute bronchitis
Everybody catches a cold once in a while. Actually this is a healthy phenomenon, that urges your body to a good clean up. But sometimes you just can’t get rid of it and it results in a persistent dry cough. This could be an acute bronchitis; an infection of the bronchi, the large and medium sized airways in the lungs. A simple but effective remedy for this is Eucalyptus. The active ingredient in Eucalyptus is cineole, also known as eucalyptol, amongst other names. Cineole is expectorant, anti-inflammatory and dilates the bronchi by relaxing them. This was proven in a research program where patients were given pills with cineole or a placebo. The group that received the cineole pills recovered significantly faster than the placebo group. An alternative to cineole pills is eucalyptus oil; a few drops in a bowl of hot water make a wonderful steam bath, that reliefs your symptoms.
Coltsfoot to relief emphysema
Emphysema is an incurable progressive lung disease, causing shortness of breath and cough with sputum production. Coltsfoot, is traditionally used for treating obstruction of the airways. Its scientific name is Tussilago farfara, where Tussilago is derived from the latin tussis meaning cough, and ago meaning to act on. Both flowers and leaves can be used to make an infusion that relieves the coughing. A warning is in its place here, as Tussilago farfara contains tumorigenic pyrrolizidine alkaloids and can cause liver diseases in infants. A new variety called Tussilago farfara ‘Wien’ has been developed and registered, which has no detectable levels of these alkaloids and can be used safely.
Magnesium benefits asthma patients
A well performed study with 55 asthma patients, both male and female, showed that magnesium supplements are beneficial for mild to moderate asthma sufferers. From the two groups, one receiving magnesium and the other receiving a placebo, the first showed a significant improvement in their lung function and general quality of life.
Salt treatment for bronchitis
Bronchitis is a chronic disease characterised by a permanent enlargement of parts of the airways leading to the lungs. Main symptoms are a chronic cough productive of mucus and shortness of breath. There is little treatment for this disease, but lately a completely natural therapy with salt appears very promising. This so called Halotherapy, derived from the Greek ‘halos’, which means salt, has actually been used for millennia in ancient salt caves in Eastern Europe. The atmospheric salt concentrations of these caves are being reproduces in salt chambers, where walls, ceiling and floor are covered with salt. The salty air is said to be beneficial for lungs and airways and can relieve the symptoms of many lung diseases, especially those of bronchiectasis.
Lung infections can be battled with oregano oil
The essential oil of oregano is an effective remedy for both bacterial as fungal infections of the airways. It contains thymol and carvacrol, both substances of which has been scientifically proven that they inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi. In tests on 25 different bacteria strains the essential oil was highly efficacious on all of them. The oil of Origanum syriacum, a species from the mint family native to the Middle East, is especially rich in thymol and carvacol. Supplements containing this oil can be easily obtained. If you want to use the pure essential oil, it is wise to consult a registered natural healer, who can advise you on the best suitable way and dosage. Also keep in mind that essential oils can trigger allergic reactions in some people.

Ref: Medisch dossier, Sept. 2016; Wikipedia