A vital part of many medical procedures and therapies is medical oxygen. It is used to treat a variety of illnesses and situations in which the body cannot sustain normal physiological activities due to low oxygen levels. For those wishing to travel you will require some planning and expert team to help organise a seamless trip with medical oxygen. Here are a few important applications for medical oxygen:

  1. Conditions of the Respiratory System: Respiratory disorders such asthma, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and respiratory distress syndrome are frequently treated with medical oxygen. It facilitates better blood oxygenation, which eases breathing for patients and lessens the strain on the heart and lungs.
  2. Emergency Situations: Heart attacks, strokes, trauma, and shock can all be treated with oxygen treatment, which is crucial in emergency medicine. While emergency medical care is being given, oxygen can help stabilise patients and stop further deterioration.
  3. Neonatal Care: Additional oxygen is frequently needed to support breathing in premature infants and neonates experiencing respiratory distress until their lungs mature enough. In neonatal intensive care units, oxygen therapy helps these susceptible patients live better and avoid complications.
  4. Chronic illnesses: Long-term oxygen therapy may be necessary for patients with chronic illnesses like cystic fibrosis or pulmonary fibrosis in order to maintain appropriate blood oxygen levels and enhance their quality of life.
  5. Hypoxia: Low blood oxygen levels are the hallmark of hypoxia, a condition that is treated with oxygen treatment. Hypoxia can be brought on by a number of conditions, such as lung disorders, high altitude, carbon monoxide poisoning and specific medical operations.
  6. Patients who receive hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) breathe pure oxygen inside of a pressurised chamber.

All things considered, medical oxygen is essential for treating a wide range of illnesses and crises. Various administration methods, such as face masks, nasal cannulas and specialised delivery systems, are used to administer it according on the clinical condition and the patient’s demands.