Another article from the archives but an important one.
Many people with COPD need supplemental oxygen therapy. Unfortunately, some people who use portable oxygen are wary of travelling with oxygen.
So they opt to stay at home instead of going out to see friends, shop, or enjoy a vacation. But oxygen therapy can actually enhance your physical ability to go places and do things that the advance stage of COPD was keeping you from doing. Once you’ve learned what’s involved, you may find that oxygen gives you more freedom to go places and do things you want to do.
If you don’t use one already, you’ll need to switch to a portable oxygen delivery system for trips away from home. Portable oxygen concentrators (POCs), hold compressed oxygen in small tanks. Most POC tanks come with carrying cases and travel carts. These are excellent for using in airports or simply going sightseeing.
Kontakt OxygenWorldwide – experts for over 20 years when travelling away from home. Our team of experts can help arrange all the necessary oxygen and POC’s during your holidays to help you and your loved ones have more freedom.