Like many we are all just want to leave 2020 behind and have an immense desire to put this challenging and ever-changing pandemic behind us. As we draw close to the end of the year it seems to have swooped in and taken this dream and all we have been working together towards an ending. Now there does not seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel and we will need to adapt and change to Cvoid-19 being here to stay.
How will we cope?
Well this will mean it will be very normal now to have masks and face coverings, social distancing and washing hand and sanitiser will also become ‘the new normal’. Our future plans will now need to become adaptable and with challenges and changes become opportunities. Do not let what is happening now affect your future. There are ways to be creative, think outside the box and still maintain all what you want to achieve. (within regulations!).
Once herd immunity and the vaccine roll out sets in we will be able to hopefully make more concrete plans of international travel, see loved ones and once again begin our adventures. For now it feels as if time has been put on pause with Covid-19 but as with everyone across the world – we will get there, it just not be the same as before.