Covid has affected so many over the last 12 months and in so many ways. Many have lost loved ones; countries have been stretched and also the world has had to react to its ever-changing mutations and effects economically and personally. For those who have had COVID it may not stop and recovery can be long.
If you are short of breath this is a symptom where many are struggling to breathe properly or may even feel as if they are ‘winded’ whereas prior to having the virus they were able to carry on as normal. Simple activities such as gardening, doing housework or even short walks leave you feeling short of breath. You may be feeling more tired regularly and this is also common effects of other respiratory diseases such as COPD, asthma or bronchitis.
Will COVID-19 be added to the list in future as a lung disease?
Please do seek medical advice to help but there are many things you can do to help such as:
– Breathing exercises
– Taking your time and not over exerting your body when doing activities
– Using medical oxygen to help in some severe cases
Covid affects the lungs and it is a common experience for many even after recovery so it is important to make sure you look after yourself.