Name: Benny
One and half-year anniversary at OxygenWorldwide
Nationality: Belgian
Loves: helping customers and the feeling of doing a great job across the world
Working with OxygenWorldwide has been the most interesting and exciting job experience for me for the past one and half years. I have previously worked in customer service environment in Belgium and I am very experienced in being clear, concise and informative to every customer.
The best feeling is that when I finish my working day I know I have been able to improve and help people who need our help and that they are pleased with my customer care as well as the rest of the team. This is what I enjoy the most. With our customers they need the help of medical oxygen and everything has to be arranged in time, so no delays are possible so we can ensure the patient has no worries about receiving the oxygen on time and in the correct destination.
In Belgium I hardly had to speak any other language than Dutch or French. Now we communicate with people all over the world, so all our staff need to be multilingual. I really enjoy being able to communicate with different people across the globe and also improve my language skills at the same time. Speaking, translating and writing in 5 different languages gives our customers the best possible service we can give.
The strangest experience I have experienced so far is was with a patient who wanted to come to our office to thank us personally for the excellent service we had given them. Unfortunately he took our mailbox address as the office address and
when he arrived, he phoned us to ask if we were really in there. He did personally thank us over the phone and email and we are looking forward to hopefully a visit to our actual offices soon!
If I had the opportunity to visit a part of the world I haven’t been yet, I would choose South America; it must be an amazing continent with a lot of unspoilt nature to be seen.
I am very proud to be celebrating 20 years of OxygenWorldwide this year and hope to be helping more people travel this year.
Contact me at for further details and information on travelling with medical oxygen abroad or visit to enquire or read more about our team and how we have been supporting customers for 20 years.