Face coverings are becoming part of the everyday outfit now for most European citizens. Many have been advised to wear these face coverings to protect yourself and others. The UK has just announced that they must too wear a face covering when go into a shop or supermarket or they will be fined. There are several arguments for and against’on or off’,
what do you think?
Here are a few of the outlined arguments against:
- Wearing a mask may inhibit breathing for those who already have respiratory problems
- Dirty masks (as people may not wash them) can help spread more germs
- It makes people feel invincible and therefore defeats the object
Here are a few of the outlined arguments for:
- Protect yourself and others from catching anything infectious
- Duty of care to health workers to keep safe at all times
- China has already had wearing masks as a norm – even stylish that now it is selfish to not wear a mask especially if you feel ill, plus protects people from pollution
Let us know your opinion in the comments…
YES – You find it MORE SAFE to travel now nearly everybody has to wear a face mask or covering
NO – Although other people wear face masks or coverings, you may feel this puts you off and won’t travel as it does NOT make you feel safer than before.