Oxygen Worldwide can help with the organistion of medical oxygen when traveling abroad. Please contact our 24 hour team on [+34] 96.688.28.73 or [+34] 96.688.28.71, so that we can help you as much as possible on your trip.
- Health
- Overseas
- Lungs
- Insurance
- Details
- Accommodation
- Your friends & family
- Safety
During a flight, the high altitudes will cause the partial pressure of oxygen to naturally fall. Healthy people are largely unaffected, but if your oxygen levels at sea level are already low, flying can have serious implications. You may be advised by your doctor to increase your flow rate during the flight.
Overseas Flights
Before booking a flight, check with the airline to see if they can assist with your in-flight oxygen needs. Most airlines provide oxygen during the flight at an additional cost. The maximum flow rate provided by the airlines is normally restricted to 4 litres per minute.
Remember to check what the cost will be and also what documentation they require you to complete.
Planning in advance is always the key when booking your holiday.
The British Lung Foundation is a great charity find out more by visiting their website at www.britishlungfoundation.org
When abroad, you should travel with your European Health Insurance (EHIC – replacement for the E111) and ensure your insurance cover has your full medical history before you leave.
If you are a frequent traveller with a particular airline then you can apply for a FREMAC medical card (Frequent Travellers Medical Card) to save a replication of medical forms, providing your circumstances do not change. FREMAC is issued by most airlines.
Remember to plan ahead.
In approved destinations, Oxygen Worldwide will help you to order oxygen with an overseas provider. Oxygen Worldwide can help take care of all the organisation even if you are traveling onto another area, country. We have extensive network of organisations, knowledge and netorks.
Your Friends & Family
For short trips you may decide to take oxygen supplies with you. If you wish to discuss the provision of oxygen at your holiday destination then contact Oxygen Worldwide on info@oxygenworldwide.com who will discuss the best options available.
Remember the safety aspects apply when travelling as they do when you are at home. Ensure your equipment is stored safely and that you fully understand how to use your equipment if abroad -if different than your own.