Portable oxygen concentrator (or POC) is a portable device used to provide oxygen therapy to a patient at substantially higher concentrations than the levels of ambient air. It is very similar to a home oxygen concentrator, but is smaller in size and more mobile. The portable oxygen concentrator makes it easy for patients to travel freely; they are small enough to fit in a car and most of the major concentrators are now FAA-approved.
Most of the portable oxygen concentrator systems available today provide oxygen on a pulse (on-demand) delivery in order to maximise the purity of the oxygen. The system supplies a high concentration of oxygen and is used with a nasal cannula to channel oxygen from the concentrator to the patient.
The Bad…
But what happens if your POC breaks down, stops working or is faulty? This is not just a machine that can be switched off. Patients need continuous supply to stay alive and aid their breathing. This is where OxygenWorldwide step in. As a POC owner if you register you device with our team online or by phone you can be safe in our hands if this occurs whilst travelling abroad.
Enquire online & register now
Our Simple Oxygen Solution (SOS) is very unique but life saving protection for your next trip abroad.
For more details or to speak to one of our care team please call us or visit our website: www.oxygenworldwide.com