Now for all of you out there who may enjoy a sing in the shower, bursting out at home whilst cleaning, singing along to your Alexa or Google hone so of you may who may not sing either but have lung problems or breathing difficulties read this!
Even listening to music can help you mentally feel much happier, positive and upbeat (pardon the pun!). This is turn will make you feel so much healthier in day to day life. You may already take part in a singing group or just as a hobby at home or in the car but it is said that due to its positivity an improvement in your health will ultimately help you. Music and other creative activities can make you feel healthier and more positive. There’s increasing evidence that singing regularly as part of a group is good for your soul and health. It seems to be especially good at improving your quality of life if you’re living with a lung condition.
There are no excuses to improve your health with a lung condition especially those who have medical oxygen to aid breathing to make sure you…
Sing to your heart’s content
Now its time to play your favourite classic record, turn on your favourite radio station or watch and discover new music on YouTube or spotify. Create your own set of playlists for you to listen to depending on your mood that day.
Whether this is rock, pop, jazz, swing or simple melodies, classical or rap – any genre of music and singing will improve your well-being.