These steps have been updated from a popular blog published in 2012.
The 5 steps to successful travel
#1 First start with speaking with your doctor so you are “fit to fly”. You will not be able to carry your own medical oxygen containers on-board with you, so you will have to use oxygen provided by the airlines for the duration of the flight.
#2 Secondly we would suggest you call the airline directly advance of your flight. Ask to speak with special services or the medical department to check requirements.
#3 Next, confirm that you meet the requirements of the carrier and that they can provide the flow of air you need and whether or not they will provide you with a nasal cannula or mask.
# 4 Confirm all of your arrangements by phone at least 48 hours before your flight boards and make sure to go over all of the rules and regulations that the airlines give you. Typically, the airlines will direct you to a website with rules for those traveling with medical oxygen or they will send you a pamphlet in the post.
# 5 Then of course if you are not travelling via aeroplane then these same steps apply if you are traveling by train or cruise ship. Coordinate with your common carrier beforehand to avoid headaches. If cruising, make sure to contact the company prior to purchasing tickets, since many cruise lines will not allow oxygen tanks on board.
If you would like assistance with arranging all your travel medical oxygen needs then please do contact Oxygen Worldwide today. Our team are open 24 hours, 7 days a week and also speak many languages.
Enjoy your travels!