If you suffer from cluster headaches you will know the intense pain is so bad some women compare it to contractions during birth. There is quite a lot of help and advice out there and even though oxygen therapy is known to help relieve symptoms where you breathe pure oxygen through a face mask. There is a lot of good advice on how to help assist the affects of these periods of headaches.
Triggers are known to cause these episodes such as; alcohol, bright lights, coffee, flying or being at high altitudes or even heat such as a hot bath or being in hot weather can also trigger cluster headaches.
- Ginger – drink ginger tea as this helps to reduce pain and this is a simple and easy way to help relieve symptoms
- Avoid alcohol and cigarettes as this may actually increase the number of episodes you will have so best to avoid entirely
- Vitamins – these help in a number of ways from the anti oxidants to reducing frequency, speak to your local health expert on what you should be taking each day
- Exercising – increase your blood circulation and reduce your stress levels through exercising – so hit your local gym
- Be outdoors – we know oxygen helps so getting outdoors will certainly help naturally
If you need oxygen for your travels please do speak with our team of experts who can assist you in organising oxygen for your holiday.