When you are lying in bed or sitting on the sofa at home wishing you weren’t ill. You just want to go to bed and sleep to forget everything for that little moment of time. From time to time we all feel sorry for ourselves, especially with chronic or long-term sickness.
Here are a few ideas on how to cheer up your loved ones and bring a little smile:
Keep Your Distance. Why not send an uplifting bouquet of flowers or leave a care package at her doorstep? Send a quick text message or post on socials. Just remember – while it may feel odd and callous to you not to visit her face-to-face, most likely she would rather stay in bed than try to have a conversation.
Take on the to-do list. Help by offering to take on a task or two – maybe walk the dog, shop for food, or pick up kids from school. Every little task you can take off will be a huge blessing; you can believe it!
Be Warm. Think about your friend and what seems to comfort them in tough situations. Maybe a long soak in a warm tub with a great book? Or a nice cupp a tea? Personalised gifts will not only comfort her aching body, but will also warm her heart.