the LifeChoice ActivOx provides oxygen up to a unbelievable 15 hours of battery operation time.
The LifeChoice ActivOx is the latest lightweight portable oxygen concentrator OxygenWorldwide has added to its range. Its predecessor, the LifeChoice has been a success worldwide. This new portable oxygen concentrator offers the ultimate alternative to cylinders due to its up to 15 hours of battery operation time. Beside that this POC is lighter than the LifeChoice weighing only 2.2 Kg. It is capable of providing medical oxygen up to an equivalent of 3 litres per minute on pulse flow.
Sleep Mode feature
Possibly the only POC with a unique sleep mode feature, the LifeChoice ActivOx enables medical oxygen users to use the machine at night. The very sensitive sleep mode senses every ‘puff’ of breath the patient inhales working in accordance with the breathing pattern to make sure the patient remains fully saturated.
This portable oxygen concentrator delivers medical oxygen to the user in a different way to other POC’s. The technology used is called PulseWave ™ which means that every time a patient breathes in, a ‘puff’ of oxygen is delivered much slower and more synchronised with the actual breath. This new technology eliminates the hiss sound from nasal cannula too.
More details

External battery – € 770Package:
Lifechoice ActivOx package
(incl. External battery) – € 3,520
Ltr. per minute
Battery life
Ventilator use
Recharge time
< 3 Ltr. p/m – PULSE, Incl. SLEEPING MODE
2.2 kg
> 15 hrs. battery life with battery on setting one
approx. 4 hrs.