Summer is here and especially in the UK this year there seems to be an increase in pollen and airborne allergies this summer. The sun is certainly appearing this year but so are the sneezes, itchy eyes, runny noses and also with this comes breathing difficulties.
If you feel short of breathe, cough more than usual or have a tight sensation in your chest this is usually a sign of allergy asthma.
If you are experiencing any symptoms visit your local GP to get diagnosed to receive the correct treatment.
Some allergy sufferers may struggle to breathe and need supplemental oxygen to help maintain a normal daily routine and life abilities such as walking outside or climbing the stairs at home.
If you are suffering this summer more than usual then book an appointment at your local surgery who can best recommend and enjoy summer whilst it is here. Lighter evenings and warmer weather encourages more walking, better diets and mentally being outside is proven it really helps with wellness.
If you do require any medical oxygen to travel abroad then use the contact form on this blog for further details.